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What our members are saying

"I joined this group almost 3 months ago and all I can say is Matt has built a family here. Matt will go above and beyond for any member in this group to make sure they are on the right track. He takes the time to respond and follow up on a personal level with anything trading related we may need. This chat is definitely family for me now and I’m gearing up to grow even more with Matt and everyone here in 2021. Thank you Matt for everything you do for us." -Anand P.

"I personally have seen this group grow from the beginning.  Like many others, 2020 was a year of many changes.  I always worked hard but I had no clue about financial literacy and the stock market until I joined Matt's group.  He opened up another stream of income for me when my back was against the wall.  In the beginning, I started small with a few thousand dollars and with the help of Everyone Eats I grew that initial investment by 300% and used that money to pay for some of my Master's degree tuition.  Currently I'm in the process of repeating that again and I'm very excited for what's in store for 2021.  There will be bumps and bruises along the road but with a community like this success will come.  Matt and the Everyone Eats community introduced me to something I will be doing for the rest of my life." -Steve J.

"I just started in late October super skeptical because of my past experiences being so negative in countless groups and so on. I randomly stumbled upon this group from a friend posting on their IG story, and with a $300 bucks saved up, I went for this opportunity regardless of unemployment having ended for me. I have now grown over $1K! My backstory of very negative past experiences, having encountered wannabe gurus/toxic groups that treat new beginners like scum/scams where it’s a course to buy and in reality just recycled stuff  one can find in YouTube in seconds. What sucks even more for me is that this whole stocks subject takes twice or three times as much to learn the same thing, because it doesn’t stick compared to other subjects like tech and so on. This group has really been the biggest blessing! No question is to big or to small, everyone pitches in to help and very involved helping the very best possible." -Eric M.

"I joined this group having knowledge in only basic stock trading and shares but with little to no knowledge with respect to options. After joining this group, my knowledge of the subject has increased dramatically. I’ve come to understand clearly on how to pick trades and what to look for in evaluating my risk to reward ratios. I’ve been humbled trying to force trades before, but I’ve come to learn from this group that you have to sometimes just let the trades come to you and not try to force yourself into any unfavorable trades. Overall, the support of this community is amazing and the amount of knowledge among the members is incredible. I would recommend anyone that is interested in growing their portfolio to give this group a chance and with a little bit of patience, hard work, and the support of the members at “EveryoneEats”, anyone can learn to trade options. You will not regret the experience and will ultimately take away key investment tips when looking to build your financial future." -Faisal A.

"I joined “EveryoneEats” after a few months of trading on my own. As a new trader and a full time student,  I didn't have the time nor the Market-related knowledge necessary  to trade efficiently & successfully grow my investments. The past couple of months in this group has not only allowed me to grow my investment significantly, but I was also able to learn so much from other members. Undoubtedly, joining “EveryoneEats” was the smartest financial decision I made in 2020." -Roshi S.

"@MoneyMatt thank you for creating this community. I truly am thankful and honored to be part of such amazing team of super intelligent and talented people! I started trading the beginning of 2020 when I decided to get serious of my finances. I had dipped my feet in the stock market back in 2016 when Robinhood started gaining popularity but had no idea what I was doing Andy interest was non existent. In 2020 I started trading penny stocks and doing fractional shares. I was attracted by fractional shares because how cheap they were but later discovered how bad of an investment they were. I lost all of my money I had profited plus my original investment. I was devastated but was still hopeful. I came across a post of Matt that he published in his Instagram story and contacted him if I could join to learn. At first I was overwhelmed and felt intimidated by the knowledge of everyone, the keywords, graphs etc. I started copying the same trades people would call and I started gaining confidence . Through this group I learned to find a support and resistance levels on a graph, learned how to have a good entry, understand all the keywords and stock lingo. I did make mistakes but Matt was there to answer questions and help guide me.  He is truly active and everyone is so helpful. My advice to anyone new is to not be shy of asking your questions  no matter how “dumb” you may think it can be. Matt will help you and everyone is here to lend a hand always. We are a great community and we all love seeing everyone grow. Matt will be there to tell you 'take profits! Last warning.'" -Gomez P.

"I joined this group not knowing anything about option trading, in past few months not only I was able to achieve my investing goal, I learned a lot also. @MoneyMatt And all the other members are more than helpful and don’t hesitate to help you anytime. I’m so glad I’ve joined." -Ramak S.

"Before joining this group I lost lots of money on the market, I didn't know too much about stocks and options. After joining the group I learned a lot and made some of my money back, I even made enough to save up to propose. @MoneyMatt really created an open learning environment for all members from newbies like me or experienced traders. I love this group because everyone thinks collaboratively like a team . #Everyoneeats! To the moon we go!" -Jimmy N.

"I have joined many option trading groups this year and have lost quite a bit of money with them, after joining everyone eats I have found the consistency  and amazing TA that Matt shows and be able to profit on so many of his trades! this group has so much talent and I have learned a lot from Matt and all the members in here! Happy I was able to find an option trading group that I can call home and excited to see whats in store in the future! Let's eat!" -Kristo J.

"'Everyone Eats' - the phrase speaks for itself. I remember going into my first trade not knowing anything and losing my money within seconds; I thought this trading stuff wasn’t for me. After joining this group, Matt and the members in the group have given me the confidence and knowledge when going into the next play. I wouldn’t think twice about joining this group; this may be the best thing you’ll ever do." -Alex M.

"I've never done trading before and this is the first time getting into it. Ever since I've joined, it's been nothing short of amazing. Not only is this group full of people with knowledge, but it feels like a family. There are so many active members on here and are always willing to help each other out and provide their inputs through their experiences. I haven't invested a ton of money, but I can for sure say that I've made money ever since joining this channel. Matt does a great job with providing training events and TA. I look forward to what this group has in the future. Matt, thank you for all that you do and thank you for sharing your knowlege. I appreciate all that you've done for this group and community! Let's eat!!" -Hien N.

"I've been trading for about 6 years now and I recently went full-time. Trading can be lonely, intimidating, and extremely stressful. Finding a supportive group that genuinely cares about your success is tough. Finding a community that will help you be successful is even more difficult. EveryoneEats has all of that. Overwhelming support no matter your experience level. No one will criticize you for asking a "dumb question" because there aren't any dumb questions here. There is a wealth of knowledge in this group, everyone is willing to share and help you grow as a trader." Stephen V.

"I would just like to say this really quick. Prior to all this i knew Matt through some mutual friends in the industry. Followed him on IG awhile saw that he was killing it on the market. At the time i had a Robinhood account and a couple basic stocks that barely moved. Id message him on IG all the time asking him to teach me his ways. Finally he invited me to Everybody Eats, I had no clue what option trading was, never heard of it in my life. After actually taking options seriously following his advice, some learning and growing I made some small gains here and there until Matt got me confident enough to make the biggest play to date for me in which i cleared about 28k following one of his calls, now im a much more confident trader, more knowledgeable but most importantly I gained a community of like minded individuals in all of you that feels like a family. I talked to all of you more than i do my own friends. We help each other, lift each other and spread positive vibes throughout this group and i appreciate each and every one of you!" -Denzel L.

"Since joining EveryoneEats in August, I have learned so much. This group is a family of growing, knowledgeable, and helpful people who make sure that EVERYONE EATS. While some might join looking to just piggyback off plays and call outs to make money(which is totally fine), @MoneyMatt and group have given more than that. Which is the confidence for myself and others who didn’t have any knowledge to be able to make our own plays, learn from mistakes, and still have a positive outlook on how this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It’s a life tool that will help you have a better future. Let’s eat." -David V.

"After joining EveryoneEats I've learned a lot about option trading and all of the factors that play a role in it, what to look for when investing in a stock, and how to use different platforms among many other things. Matt truly wants to help other people build wealth and it shows through everything he does. Making sure everyone understands how to use specific trading platforms, helping folks with technical analysis and sharing his knowledge, Matt has helped me understand option trading. Thank you to him and all the other members who take the time to share their knowledge and help each other grow. This really is one of the best communities out there." -Mayank P.

"I think it's time for me to post in here, and talk a little bit about my experience. I've been in here a little under a month, and I was pleasantly surprised with the value this group provides. To anyone who is new that is reading this, RISK MANAGEMENT is EXTREMELY important, I came into here down -30% overall, due to starting  investing right during the tech selloff. One of the main reasons I lost so much was due to greed, and the plays that @MoneyMatt  have made have taught myself to know when to hang up the gloves and take profit, and when to cut losses.   This group is worth its weight in gold. Very affordable, too. Thank you to all the analysts that are always answering questions and putting out the best trades!" -Anthony N.

"I joined this group with no idea of how  stocks work. I think theres a misconception that people have on stocks and that's just to buy shares and watch it grow. @MoneyMatt definitely introduced me into a whole new game and into a new community. Matt provides proper guidance and draws some fireass charts. I'm  learning something new everyday and looking to better myself as a trader from what I'm learning in EveryoneEats. Like Matt says "if you want to be good at something you have to master your craft." Its crazy to think that people you have never met and maybe will never meet in person  can be so helpful to each other because they literally just want you to eat as well. Cheers to @MoneyMatt and the  EveryoneEats family." -Raymond G.

"@MoneyMatt  is an awesome man anything you need he explains amd goes way beyond any other group i ever been in. Anything you want him to check out or explain, charts etc he will show and explain why which is awesome! He is very knowledgeable and kind happy to be apart of this group." -Kyle C.

"I consider Matt a mentor to me. I joined Matt’s group with a good amount of options knowledge/experience. I value learning more from others and their experiences, all the while sharing what I can. This group has been extremely friendly and welcoming (& funny). I’m not even going to speak on how much better my ROI is & all that. Really speaks for itself. I appreciate everyone here that help me grow & are growing with me. @MoneyMatt is really for the peoples." -Nick L.

"I can’t say enough how great this group is & how helpful Matt is and how he takes pride & care in making sure we all “Eat”! 
I lost my job do to the pandemic and quickly took a class and learned how to option trade and then was told about this group. I should have saved my money from that class and been here from the beginning, the level of knowledge everyone has in here is unbelievable. Everyone is so willing to help and guide, we all want to see everyone succeed. I have learned so much and financially gained so much more. To that I say, what old job?! But I def miss that night life though. Thanks for all you do, Matt! Thank you everyone else as well." -Mikey P.

"Before I joined this group I really had no idea what option trading was or how to execute one! I couldn’t think of a better name for this group “Everyone eats” Leaning & watching while the stock market is live while a busy chat room of people who may have never met each other are all working together sharing ideas and stats! There is no such thing as a dumb question in this group! aka 'Everyone Eats.'" -Matt K.

"So I joined this group about a month ago and I’ve just got to say it’s been a blessing ever since I’ve been here. I’ve done my rounds of the most expensive and well known groups around the trading community and this is by far my favorite. Matt is actually one of the best scalping traders I’ve seen so far and his long swings have been nothing but profitable for me and the rest of the group. To be honest I’ve never seen a trader signal such high return plays in such a short amount of time the way Matt does on his daily voice chat. The best part is the community of traders that he has created in this chat. On top of the fact that Matt is always ready to reply in the main chat or DMs when you have a question about entering or exiting a play, the mods and elite members are very helpful and highly educated so there’s never fear that you’re alone when you’re in a trade. Thanks to Matt and all the boys (and girls) in the chat for the help you provide on a daily basis!" -Casey L.

"I joined this group around a month ago, I've been a part of many different groups from penny stocks to Forex. I was lucky to join another group where I found @MoneyMatt and learned he had this one. This group has an incredibly positive and helpful atmosphere lots of great traders helping each other to grow and learn from their mistakes. I was close to giving up on trading, kept loosing more than I made but it is something I really want to be able to do and thanks to Matt's teachings and call outs my portfolio is up over 300% in the last month more than I make at my day job. I seriously can't thank this man enough, he saved my trading career and put me back on the path to financial freedom he legit changed my life. I know that only a moth is hard to judge the efficiency of something, but I can say with confidence I'm no longer worried about my bills and living in the Bay and only having 1200 in my account when I joined should speak volumes to just how amazing this group is." -Phillip W.

"Just a few weeks of joining EveryoneEats, I wasn’t too familiar with options trading. These amazing group of people that I’ve never met in my life puts in their own time teaching and guiding new traders on the perspective of how trading is with both wins and losses. Seeing everyone working together sharing their input of ideas and knowledge has given me more confidence with my investments. I truly want to thank Matt and the EveryoneEats family for everything you’ve done so far and excited what the future holds!! 'EVERYONE EATS!.'" -Llewelyn L.

"I describe Everyone Eats as a family group chat. It’s a community of people that support each other and put the effort to teach, help and share all the tools and Information you need to be a successful trader. Matt created a community that doesn’t only help members make tons of money, it’s helping the Everyone Eats family reach some of their life goals, connect with each other, promote yourself/business and build long lasting friendships. Thank you Matt!" -Samer M.

"But in all seriousness this has been the best group I’ve ever been apart of, and I’ve been apart of quite a few. In the 3 short months I’ve been with the groups, I’ve noticed several things that make Matt stand out to me. He’s extremely wholesome. I’ve seen him admit when he’s wrong. I’ve seen him help others learn and teach them extremely important topics for training. On top of hosting this group, he also hosts trainings atleast monthly; if not weekly sometimes. He calls out plays and warns MULTIPLE times when it’s time to cut for profit or loss. On of the things I find important is Matt will screenshot and share his plays. I was in one group where the guru would make call outs but never post his winnings/loses, nor show what he was holding and that was extremely suspicious to me. Matt will prove his in a play right up front. Now on to the group. Boy this group is honestly something else. Definitely a family. During trading hours, were 99% serious. Several people are making call outs, bringing eyes to different stocks, watching news sources, and charting. Everyone seems to be bringing their own to the table in just hopes to help everyone succeed. You don’t really see that a lot. Some groups I’ve been in have strictly been view only and at the mercy of the guru. But here, everyone truly eats.  And after hours is extremely fun with just endless banter and fun talk. It’s seriously a great group. And just to cherry on top of this rant. You can literally see the point on my chart where I’ve joined the chat. I cropped the money out because it’s a small dinky account .... for now." - Colt L.

"I’ve been in several chats/groups the past 6-7 years or so and this is by far the best one I’ve been in! Everyone’s here to achieve a common goal and not one member is better than the other. I think that’s what truly separates this group from any others." -Ryan R.

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